Agricultural Education and FFA
Agricultural Education prepares students for successful careers and/or a lifetime of informed choices in the global agriculture, food, fiber and natural resources industries. All students enrolled in Agricultural Education coursework are members in the National FFA Organization by paying FFA dues. Although agriculturally focused, students will develop many valuable career skills including communication, leadership, and business management skills, an asset to any career field. Students will work in teams, exploring hands-on projects and activities, to learn the characteristics of the industry and work on major projects and problems similar to those faced in the industry.
The Agricultural Education Program gives students the knowledge and skills they need for success in today’s world with an agricultural focus. Students get a chance to practice and apply these knowledge and skills learned in class in their Supervised Agricultural Experience Projects (SAE) and Career Development Events (CDEs) hosted by the National FFA Organization. When the three parts are properly integrated, student education is maximized. A student has the potential to learn important academic, career, technical, and life skills when they actively participate in all three components of the program.

Agricultural Education in Richland County
Clearfork, Crestview, Lucas, Plymouth and Shelby are the five school districts in Richland County offering Agricultural Education Coursework and FFA Chapter involvement opportunities. Each chapter is led by an advisor(s) and officer team and offer a multitude of opportunities to get involved in leadership projects, community service, recreation, competitive events, scholarships, and skills development. FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.
Supervised Agricultural Experience Projects
All Agricultural Education students and FFA members are expected to have an approved SAE project. A SAE project is any experience outside of the regularly scheduled class time in which the student gains new skills or practices skills, they are time honored and tested form of work-based learning, it is the hands-on application of agricultural skills outside the classroom. The student selects their project based on their personal and career interests and the amount of time they are willing to spend. Students are supervised by agricultural education teachers, parents, employers and other adults who assist them in the development and achievement of their educational and career goals. An SAE program can be whatever the student wants it to be—an agricultural business of his/her own such as raising and showing an animal, a job shadowing experience, or placement in a paid or unpaid job using agriculturally-related skills and competencies. It is a program designed cooperatively by the student, parents, employer and advisor.