We build champion kids in the Richland County Junior Fair program.

The Richland County Junior Fair currently consists of the following youth organizations: 4-H and FFA. Boys and girls affiliated with these eligible member/youth organizations in Richland County are eligible to exhibit subject to the rules of their respective organizations. Their last year of participation shall be the year the member turns 19.
The Richland County Junior Fair is intended to be the showcase of 4-H and FFA youth and their enrolled projects. In 2019, more than 950 youth exhibited one or more projects in the Junior Fair. Through the many programs, shows and activities offered during the Junior Fair, exhibitors have the opportunity to learn by doing and to compete with each other in a friendly, safe atmosphere. Many local individuals, businesses and agencies support the Junior Fair via trophies, cash awards, banners, and other awards.
Junior Fair exhibitors shall conduct themselves in a courteous and respectful manner, exhibit good sportsmanship, and refrain from unethical activities. Exhibitors shall also uphold all Junior Fair rules and policies, carry a positive attitude about the Junior Fair, and represent the positive youth development of their respective organizations.
All Junior Fair enrollment (4-H and FFA) for fair participation is due in The Ohio State University Extension Office by deadline of May 1 (extended in 2020 due to the COVID-19 virus). Exhibitors must be enrolled in the project by this time or will be considered ineligible for fair participation (no exceptions). Fair entries must be made for all Junior Fair breathing animal projects by July 1 (unless July 1 falls on a Saturday or Sunday, then deadline shall be the following Monday) or within the designated 4-H and FFA active advisor verification period (July 1-15).
To be eligible to show/exhibit/participate within any Richland County Junior Fair program/class or participate in the Livestock Sale, the exhibitor must: 1) be properly enrolled by the April 1 (May 1 in 2020) deadline, 2) have completed the required project requirements, 3) must complete Quality Assurance class, if applicable to project, 4) must have successfully participated in an official county interview judging experience by the required deadline time, 5) have submitted a complete fair entry by the deadline, and 6) have the exhibit on display for the entirety of the Richland County Fair (exception – see rules #27, #33 and #36).

The leadership for the Richland County Junior Fair is the Richland Couunty Junior Fair Board. This 46 member organization is comprised of 4-H and FFA members, ages 14 -19 years, representing 4-H members and/or vocational agriculture student exhibitors. The object of this group is to promote the welfare of Richland County boys and girls through their activities and exhibits at the Richland County Fair. Terms shall be one year and are renewable for successive terms upon completion of successful membership responsibilities. Membership in this organization is open to all interested persons regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, veteran status, socio-economic level, or geographic location as long as previous stipulations (listed above) are met. All members are assigned to a department. Service in a department is limited to two years. All members are expected to fulfill their department, committee and board responsibilities on an annual basis. Regular attendance is expected and required at meetings, workdays and Junior Fair Board functions.
2024 Junior Fair Board
Evan Stuart
Vice President
Cadence Fairchild
Kelsey Snyder
Youth Treasurer
Cailey Fairchild
Sarah Smith
General Superintendent
Dr. Judy Villard Overocker
Junior Fair Office Manager
Beth Brown
Adult Treasurers
Carol Dennison, Christy Keith, Beth Brown
Adult Organization Reps
Lisa Crain 4-H, Matt Dotson FFA
Senior Fair Board Representatives
Nick Fairchild, Christy Keith
2024 Junior Fair Board Members
Shelby Bays
Kaley Bowman
4-H & FFA
Madison Boyer
Paytan Byrd
Riley Cantleberry
Katie Crider
Isaiah Crouch
4-H & FFA
Cadence Fairchild
4-H & FFA
Calley Fairchild
4-H & FFA
Sam Fairchild
4-H & FFA
Bry Francis
Logan Hoffman
4-H & FFA
Sofia Johnson
4-H & FFA
Kassie Kleman
Bergan Leonhardt
4-H & FFA
Devyn McGugin
Emma Montgomery
Lexy Pace
4-H & FFA
Gracie Rodman
AJ Roll
Katelyn Schiffer
Abigail Secriskey
4-H & FFA
Carson Secriskey
Addison Shira
Karli Walp
Kendra Walp